
New project

We are interested in continuing our work about Counselling in LongLife Learning.

Some new project topics:
  • Definition of counselling for Lifelong Learning
  • Intercultural education
  • Study of Migrants phenomenom
  • Partners agree that guidance for Lifelong Learning is an emerging institute which is connecting formal and non-formal education.
  • On the basis of good practice carried out by partner institutions, we have focused on education of migrants.
  • This orientation is also based on the study of the non-formal education systems of the pàrtner countries taking in account the changing situation in the structure of the population (priority being migrants).
  • The situation is more complex nowadays. According to our findings and experience gained during the project realization it is necessary to create a classification of consulting and educational services, in different European region, laiyng stress on migrants.
  • This idea was verified in long-term experience with our foreign partners, not only in the framework of Grundtvig Partnership, f.e.p Euroguidance Prague and Wien, EVBB – Europäischer Verein der Bildungsträger, National Agentur für lebenslanges Lernen Wien.

If your institution is interested in collaborate and join to new project, please contact us.


CiLLL dissemination

CiLLL dissemination activities:
  • Conferences, courses, seminaries...
  • Newspapers, magazines, radio...
  • Articles, papers
  • Internet: websites, blogs, social networks

 More information and downloads


CiLLL in European Shared Treasure website

He have update CiLLL project information in European Shared Treasure website.
This website has information about Partnerships and results in Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig.



Second CiLLL Summary Document

Second Summary document: Good practices in Life Long Learning

Experiences to improve the training and counselling (especially for people in need: foreign, adults, drop out young people, migrants, disabled...)

In this second summary document, we are going to show different experiences and good practices which were identified and rounded up by the partners institutions of this European project. We have been searching for characteristic examples of the lifelong learning (LLL) in the partner countries.

The examples were identified in different institutions with certain level of relationship with the project partners. Thank to our gathering, these examples have increased the value of this work, and we hope to contribute to its diffusion in the framework of Europe. Owing to the European dimension of this project, new ways of interchange and cooperation are open.

More information and download